Friday, May 30, 2008

Tough Comics #8 MAR 1938

Author: Ryan Buck

Title: "Terror Strikes at Night!"

Page 1:

Panel 1:
Under the title letters which should look wicked and menacing, Tom Jefferson, the Daring Detective, is slugging it out with four thugs on a pier, mid-ground. In the foreground are three large crates with poison labels emblazoned on them. One of the crates is cracked and leaking powder into the water below the pier. In the background looms a water front warehouse. Above all is the ghostly image of a Grim Reaper-like face; this is Doc Terror.

Can our intrepid hero for justice out wit the diabolical machinations of the city's newest and deadliest threat? Will he solve all the clues in time to prevent the deadly crime you see here? Read on, good friend, and pit your own sleuthing mind against that of the Daring Detective as he tackles his toughest case yet!

Page 2:

Panel 1:
Tom Jefferson, slouches at his desk, reviewing some paperwork. He looks grumpy.

At the 7th precinct, we find our Daring Detective hard at work finishing up another case.

This blasted paperwork never ends.

Panel 2:
A wide shot of the precinct office. Tom is in the fore ground, his back to us. In the mid ground other police detectives mill about. Lt. Rick Reynolds approaches Tom from the background; he looks upset and is waving a sheaf of papers in his hands which spill out about him.


You call this a report?! Why I wouldn't hand this in to my kids third grade english teacher!

Panel 3:
Side shot of Rick leaning over Tom's desk, his chin jutting menacingly toward our Daring Detective. Tom looks bored and unperturbed.

What's the matter with you Tom? Didn't you ever learn the difference between a preposition and an adjective? I know paperwork isn't the most exciting part of being a cop, but it's still important!

Panel 4:
Close up of Tom, smiling wide and appeasingly.

Sorry Lieutenant, I guess I got a little rushed trying to wrap up the files on my backlog. You know I've never been that great at grammar.

Panel 5:
In the foreground, Tom; with his back to us. Rick, standing with his hands on his hips, scowling.

Look, Tom, I don't want to be the bad guy here, but you have to pay more attention to your paper work. You don't want all that hard work you do catching crooks to be thrown out when they go to court do you?

No, sir.

Panel 6:
Side shot of Rick stalking away from Tom's desk, still huffy. Tom looks a little brow beaten. The papers on Tom's desk cascade down to the floor.

Well, then re-write these reports and make sure you check them with Phyllis before you hand them in next time. Take the rest of the night off and don't come back till you catch up on your backlog! Hey Peterson, I got a beef with you to...

Page 3:

Panel 1:
Wide shot of the city streets. It's night and people make their ways about, some heading home with their children others looking geared up for a night on the town.

Later, as the bustle of the vibrant city prepares for another evening. Tom Jefferson makes his way home, his thoughts as cloudy as the night.

Panel 2:
Side view, close up of Tom, hunkered down into his trench coat. His expression is glum.

Tom (thinking):
What a balling out that was. It's not like I haven't been doing a good job, but the Old man sure laid into me tonight. I wonder if he's still worried about that threat the Black Cape made last week?

Panel 3:
Wide shot of Tom walking past a subway entrance. People make their way up and down the stairs.

Tom (thinking):
Naw, couldn't be that. The Cape's been locked up since Monday and with all the evidence against him, no jury in the world wouldn't indite him. Wonder what it is that has him so worked up?

Panel 4:
In the foreground Tom, his back to us, is walking down an empty section of street with warehouses on either side.

Tom (thinking):
He's wound tighter than my grandpa's pocket watch. He's gonna wind up in the hospital if he doesn't take it easy.

Panel 5:
Close up of Tom, looking up from his coat; surprised and inquisitive.

SFX: Thud! Crash!

Tom (thinking):
What was that?

Panel 6:
Tom, in the foreground, drawing his revolver from the inside pocket of his coat. Empty and dark warehouses loom in the background. A low fog permeates.

Tom (thinking):
Better check it out.

Panel 7:
Tom, in the foreground, his back to us, holds up his revolver with both hands as he peers around the corner of a warehouse. The background is shrouded in fog, but two silhouettes can just barely be made out.

Tom (thinking):
Can't see a thing in this pea soup. I'm gonna have to get closer. But I gotta be careful. Don't want anyone to get the drop on me.

Page 4:

Panel 1:
In the foreground, two thuggish looking men stand over a crate that has been smashed open. One is scratching his head the other points to the broken crate. Amidst the debris are large black canisters with skulls emblazoned on them. In the far background behind some more crates Tom Jefferson's head peeks out, observing.

Thug 1:
Man the boss is sure gonna be mad about this.

Thug 2:
Not if he don't find out about it he wont. Get to cleanin' up this mess and he wont be none the wiser.

Panel 2:
Full shot of Tom creeping slowly forward, over crates. His gun is at the ready in case of trouble.

Inching slowly forward the Daring Detective steels himself for confrontation.

Tom (thinking):
These characters better have a good reason for working so late. But by the look of those canisters something tells me they wont be nice reasons.

Panel 3:
Wide shot; In the foreground the two thugs busy themselves picking up the menacing looking canisters. They are turned to look behind at Tom, who is in the background gun pointed at them.

All right fellas, just put those down nice and slowly.

Thugs (in unison):
The coppers!

Panel 4:
Full shot; the thugs in a cloud of smoke, guns blazing.

In the blink of an eye the dastardly thugs open fire on our brave upholder of law.

Panel 5:
Mid shot; A determined, yet clam looking Tom Jefferson returns shots from his own revolver as bullets whiz past him.

So you like to play rough do you?

Panel 6:
Close up; One of the thugs doubled over in pain, he's been shot in the belly. His gun hangs loosely in his hand.

Ugh! He got me Willy, I'm done for!

Panel 7:
Full shot; In the foreground, their backs to us, "Willy" the thug holds his dying buddy in his arms and looks up toward Tom. Tom approaches gun still pointed forward and at the ready. His eyes are slits of caution.

All right copper, I give in. This racket ain't worth dyin' ova.

Smart choice. To bad your pal there didn't have your brains.

Page 5:

Panel 1:
Wide shot; In foreground three uniformed cops carry the black canisters, we see them from the waist up. In the mid ground between the images of the cops in the foreground, Tom stands talking to another uniformed officer as Willy the thug is helped into a paddy wagon.

Once his fellow officers arrive, they make short work of confiscating the deadly canisters.

I don't know whats in those things so make sure your men handle them with extra care.

Panel 2:
Tom,in profile is holding a telephone receiver up to his ear and talking. His hat is cocked back jauntily, and his feet rest on his desk.

Later, at the station house...

Yeah that's right, about thirteen of 'em. All black with skulls on 'em. We can't see how they open. I was wonderin' if you might take a look at them. You will? Thanks, I'd really appreciate it.

Panel 3:
In the foreground, Tom, seated, his back to us, hangs up the telephone. Standing to the right of his desk is Rick Reynolds, vision of comically contained rage; red face, smoke pouring from ears, eyes slits, that kind of thing.

Didn't I tell you I didn't want to see you back here till you fixed those reports? You better have something awful important in the works or else I might just have to get mad at you Tom Jefferson!

Panel 4:
Side shot; Tom; standing, fist on desk, he bends fiercely toward Rick who is bent backwards slightly in avoidance of Tom's aggressive psoture.

Lieutenant will you get off my case for once and let me do my job?! I just brought in a guy who might've been trying to poison the whole bay area water supply! And if you don't mind I'd like to question him about it!

(GULP) Well get to it then.

Panel 5:
In the foreground is Willy, his back to us in shadowed silhouette, the mid ground is all smoke and a glaring light hanging from top of panel. In the background, amidst more swirling smoke and shadow is Tom, who stands with his arms crossed. Tom, looks slightly menacing.

I tell ya that's all I know. It was Sal who made all the contacts, I was just muscle for the job. I knew the boss's name and where to make the pick ups, that was all. Doc Terror was what Sal called him. Honest.

You better be playing square with me Willy, or else...

Panel 6:
Side shot of Tom grabbing his coat quickly from a coat rack. A uniformed officer looks on, surprised and a little intimidated.

If the Lieutenant asks where I am, tell him I went out to do some REAL police work! I'll be at the waterfront checking up on somethings!

Officer: S-sure thing.

Page 6:

Panel 1:
Wide shot; Tom,in the foreground, stands, hands in pocket, lightly kicking at some broken timbers on the ground. In the back ground are towers of wooden crates and the rafters of a waterfront warehouse.

Tom (thinking):
Well, I guess it was a bum hunch to come back here looking for clues. I bet that Willy knows more than he's telling.

Panel 2:
In the foreground, Tom hunkers down behind some wooden crates, peering toward mid-ground, where sits a canvas-backed brown truck. Three shady looking men unload crates from the open flap of the truck.

Tom (thinking):
Well, I'll be. Willy was telling the truth after all.

Panel 3:
Close up of the shady men unloading crates from the truck.

Shady 1:
Those mugs never got in touch with the boss about last night's shipment. You think something's up?

Shady 2:
It ain't our job to think, we just do what the boss tells us.

Shady 3:
Yeah, 'member what happened to the last guy that didn't do what the Doc said?

Panel 4:
Close up of Tom, excited and intrigued.

Tom (thinking):
So there is a Big Boss after all? I gotta find out more about this mysterious "Doc".

Panel 5:
Wide shot of the truck and shady men. Two men on the ground, wiping their brows. One in the back of the truck peering down at them.

Shady 1:
That's the last of them.

Shady 2:
Good, let's get outta here. If there is something up, I don't want to be here when it comes down.

Panel 6:
The truck is pulling out and away from us. On the back, huddled down low on the bumper, and holding on tightly is Tom Jefferson.

Tom (thinking):
Gotta follow these guys and see where the trail ends up. Hope they don't break any speed limits.

Page 7:

Panel 1:
Wide shot; A tall apartment building on the swanky side of town. The building stretches up into the night. In the lower foreground are expensive looking Coup's and Roadsters.

A short time later, the Daring Detective finds his destination the most unlikely of places.
Panel 2:
In the foreground, Tom jumps from the back of the truck as it continues down a dark alleyway.

Tom (thinking):
I should probably find myself a better vantage point. Don't want to tip these fellas off just yet.

Panel 3:
Wide shot; Foreground; the three men load more crates into the back half of the truck. A tall black cloaked figure,Doc Terror, his back to us, stands overseeing them. Background; Tom peeks out from behind a pile of garbage.

Doc Terror:
Hurry with those deliveries! We are nearly four hours behind schedule because of those absent miscreants.

Tom (thinking):
That's him! It's gotta be Doc Terror. Just look at that get up!

Panel 4:
Background; Tom springing from cover, gun drawn. Foreground; Doc Terror, turned toward us, we see he is wearing a skull face mask, he his pointing toward Tom.

The jigs up "Doc"! Time for you and your playmates to come nice and easy!

Doc Terror:
Get him you louts!

Panel 5:
Tom swaps shots with the three thugs amidst smoke and shadows.

Panel 6:
Tom swings a vicious punch at one of the crooks jaw. The other two thugs are doubled over at his feet.

Tom (thinking):
That takes care of the last one! Now for the ringmaster of this criminal circus!

Panel 7:
The tuck speeding past. At the wheel, Doc Terror, skull face grinning devilishly, black robes flapping.

Doc Terror:

Page 8:

Panel 1:
Close up of Tom taking aim with his revolver.

Tom (thinking):
You wont get away that easy!

Panel 2:
Wide shot; Foreground; Tom, his back to us, firing his revolver. Background; The truck zooming away, it's tires blowing out from Tom's bullets.

Let's see how far you get now, you crackpot!

Panel 3:
Close up of Doc Terror, inside the cab of the truck struggling to turn the wheel.

Doc Terror:
What have you done you interloper!
Panel 4:
The truck crashing into a group of expensive looking Roadsters. Flame billows from the engine.

Panel 5:
The truck explodes.

Panel 6:
Wide shot; Foreground;Tom stands holding a tattered black cape and skull mask. At his left is the Fire Chief. Back ground; Firemen are fighting the blaze caused by the explosion.

Minutes later...

And this is all that I could find of him. Looks like I've still got some work to do.

Panel 7:
Tom sitting at his desk, feet propped up, hat cocked back. Rick Reynolds stands leaning on his desk. Both look grumpy.

The science boys finally cracked those canisters. They say there was some kind of poison they'd never seen before inside.

I'm sure this isn't the last we've seen of Doc Terror. I'll get him next time, sir.


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