Top Cop Comics #13 OCT 1938
Title: "The Reign of Doc Terror! Part Two"
Page 1:
Panel 1:
Foreground; On the extreme left and right are numerous silhouettes of cloaked figures. Mid-ground; Sally Hemmings, an attractive dark haired young woman, her hands up to her temples, she grips a hand kerchief. She is in obvious despair and looks at the silhouettes in front of her with a terrified gaze. Background; More cloaked figures, we can see their faces, all wear skull head masks. The remaining is all dark shadows that flow up into a hazy image of Doc Terror's face and looming black hands above everything.
Sally Hemmings had no idea why she was suddenly seeing this grim visage everywhere she turned. She had no idea of the diabolical machinations of her terrifying tormentor. All she had was the help of one man, Tom Jefferson, the Daring Detective!
Panel 2:
Foreground; Mid-profile; Sally Hemmings nervous, timid, looking forward in fear. She tightly grips the handle of her handbag. Background; A line of "normal" looking folks stream past.
Another day in the city. People go about their simple lives.
Sally (thinking):
Everything will be all right. Just a little further and I'll have made it!
Panel 3:
Foreground; Rear full silhouette; Sally,in a day dress, standing still, looks upwards. Back ground; Small awning reads Open Arms Apts., doorman next to glass front entrance . The apartment building fills remaining.
What help can the peculiar woman need? And what exactly is her problem anyway?
Sally (thinking):
This is my last hope. If they can't help me...I don't know what might happen to me.
Page 2:
Panel 1:
Wide shot; Foreground; Tom Jefferson sits, relaxing on plush sofa. His expression is condescending. Mary Blake (Tom's sister) an attractive blonde,wearing a day dress, stands holding a drink down towards Tom. Background; Large window behind, city scape view. Middle class swank, bookshelves and posh chairs.
Look sis, I don't know what all this secretive stuff is with you, but how about tellin' me what this is all about? I'm giving up a perfectly good Sunday for this.
I didn't want to say anything earlier because it wasn't my place to. Sally should be on her way here and she'll tell you when she gets here. You should see her Tom, she's dreadful.
Panel 2:
Foreground; Mary catching Sally, who is fainting into her arms, through the open doorway of the apartment.
Sally, oh my! Tom bring me some water quick!
Panel 3:
Wide shot; Foreground; Mary sits next to Sally on the sofa. Sally looks at her handbag in fear, griping it tightly . Mary appears worried and has a comforting hand on Sally's back. Background; Tom Jefferson, standing behind the couch, in profile, lighting a pipe.
I started having terrifying nightmares about a month ago. I was being stalked by a menacing figure in a black robe and terrible face. I went to a psychotherapist but it hasn't helped any and now I'm seeing him when I'm not sleeping! I don't know what to do. I don't know where to turn!
Panel 4:
Mid shot; Mary standing opposite Tom. Mary taps her chin and bites her lip, looks perplexed. Tom puffs on his pipe.
After calming Ms. Hemmings down and seeing her to bed, the Jefferson siblings conference about their childhood friend and her plight.
We've known Sally along time Tom, and I've never seen her so terrified. Something has really got her spooked.
Well I'm not one for believing in ghosts. I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation. What stuns me is I still can't believe that's the same girl I used to pull the pigtails of. She's grown into an attractive lady.
Panel 5;
Mid shot; Mary Blake poking her index finger at Tom's chest. She looks angry. Tom, flustered, holds his pipe up in front of him, sheildingly.
You listen here Thomas Jefferson! That girl needs our help and I'll have none of your shenanigans. You here me!?
Cut it out sis, I didn't mean anything by it.
Panel 6:
Wide shot; Mary's bedroom. Sally sitting up, staring into a steaming cup. She wears a bathrobe. Mary sitting on edge of bed looking at Sally. Tom leans against the bedroom door frame. His hands in his pockets.
Later once, Sally awakes...
That's the first time I've slept without seeing that loathsome face. But I still feel him lurking just beyond the shadows.
You can stay here as long as you need to dear. I'll look out for you until we can find out what might be causing these bad dreams. Maybe you should see your Doctor again?
Panel 7:
Waist level; Tom, pounding his fist into his palm, squinting fiercely.
Sally I'll do all I can to help! Why don't you come by the station after your appointment and I'll take you for a walk. Just to show you there's nothing to fear out there in the world.
Page 3:
Panel 1:
Foreground; Silhouette, rear view, man sitting in chair, legs crossed. Background; Sally Hemmings laying on a psychiatric couch. Her right arm raised over her eyes.
The next day.
I was hoping there might be some advice you might be able to offer me Doctor. Do you have any theories on where these nightmare visions might be coming from?
Panel 2:
Foreground; Sally, in corner profile, one hand flung forward in defense. Background: the looming cloaked figure of Doc Terror!
Doc Terror:
...I think I might my dear. I think I might indeed, hehehehehehe!
Panel 3:
Foreground; Tom, wearing his hat and jacket, looking down at his wrist watch. Background; The front desk of the station house. The desk sergeant fills out paper work. A uniformed policeman escorts a handcuffed prisoner by.
I wonder where she could be? Her appointment was over nearly an hour ago. Maybe I should go check on her?
Panel 4:
Mid shot; Tom in phone booth, receiver up to his ear.
You haven't heard from her since she went to see her doctor either? Why don't you give me that address and I'll see if they know anything.
Panel 5:
Mid shot: Foreground; Tom behind the wheel of his Packard. Squinting in concentration. Background; buildings and trees blur past.
Tom (thinking):
I hope nothing terrible has happened to her!
Panel 6:
Wide shot; Foreground; Tom standing in center looking up at the background. His Packard is parked to the left of him. Background; A two story brownstone, surrounded on the left and right by high hedges.
Tom (thinking):
This is the place. Pretty cozy for a head shrinker.
Panel 7:
Mid shot; Foreground; Tom, his back to us, opening the front door of the brownstone. Back ground; The brownstone entryway. Placard next to door reads: 13 Black Pool Drive Randolph Oliver Ryan, Ph.D.. Psychoanalytical Studies and Behavioral Specialist Office Hours: by appointment.
Yeah real, cozy.
Page 4:
Panel 1:
Mid shot; Foreground; Tom, his back to us, standing, hands in coat pocket, left of panel. Mid ground; Large oak desk top, neat stacks of paper and folders. At the desk sits a young woman wearing glasses and a business dress. She looks up at Tom Jefferson disapprovingly.
I'm sorry but the Doctor has no room for new patients. I can give you a referral if you would like?
Panel 2:
Mid shot; Tom, cocking his hat back, right hand on hip, jacket open, looking down slightly to the right. His expression is slightly amused.
My heads on just fine, ma'am. I'm not here for any analysis. I'm looking for my friend. She had an appointment here earlier and I was wondering if she might have said where she was going? Her name is Sally Hemmings.
Panel 3:
Mid shot; Secretary, straightening a stack of papers by tapping it on the desk top, eyes closed, her expression is one of boredom.
I'm sorry sir, but I simply can't just hand out information about our clients to perfect strangers. If you are concerned about your friend perhaps you should call her at home. Good day to you.
Panel 4:
Mid shot, side view; Tom pushing open office door. Behind him the Secretary is standing raising her hands in fright.
I'm a police detective, lady and I think I'd rather talk to the good doctor instead of you!
No, you can't go in there!
Panel 5:
Wide shot; 3/4 down; Tom stands in the center of an empty office room. The walls and floor are bare aside from possibly a few scraps of paper.
What the !?
Panel 6:
Mid shot; Tom, hunched over, hat off, hair falling in front of his face, one hand covering his mouth. A gas cloud billows all around him.
COUGH-COUGH! Should've guessed it...COUGH...13 is my unlucky number...COUGH-COUGH!
Page 5:
Panel 1:
Wide shot; Black stretches from left to right, at right side of panel gray blurry shapes, one resembling a twisted and warped human figure.
Time passes and Tom Jefferson slowly emerges from the inky recesses of sleep.
Panel 2:
Full shot; Tom, wearing an undershirt and his trousers, sits strapped to a chair. The straps hold his arms behind his back and buckle his feet to the chair legs. His head is slumped forward, a lock of his hair dangles down.
Still groggy from the gassing, the Daring Detective finds himself in a most uncomfortably familiar situation.
Panel 3:
Wide shot; On the left; Large machine generator covered with diodes, dials, levers and buttons. Wiring and piping extend from the top of the machine to the top of the panel. On the right; Black
Doc Terror (from the black):
Mr. Jefferson...
Panel 4:
On the left; The edge of the machine and wiring from panel 3. On the right; slightly obscured skull hovering 6' above the floor, in a field of black shadows.
Doc Terror:
We've simply got to stop meeting like this...
Panel 5:
On the left; the machine. On the right; Full figure of Doc Terror emerging from the shadows, cape billows forward, hands folded at mid waist.
Doc Terror:
People might become suspicious.
Panel 6:
Mid shot, side view; Foreground; Doc Terror, hands clasped in front, circles Tom. Doc Terror's robes blend into the shadowy background. Tom struggles feebly at his restraints.
Doc Terror:
Struggle all you like, Detective. You'll find my bindings quite secure.
Panel 7:
Close up, profile; Tom, head up, defiant, squinty- eyed, through gritted teeth, pulling forward against the restraints. Muscles bulge with energy.
You wont get away from me this time you diabolical dissident! The whole of this city's police will be out in force looking for me!
Panel 8:
Mid shot, profile; Doc Terror hunches over a tray set atop a table. His skull face, turned to us, grinning devilishly. His right hand is holding a very sinister looking scalpel. Other wicked looking implements can be seen on the tray.
Doc Terror:
My dear Tom Jefferson, that is what I'm counting on. Though by the time they get here I doubt they'll be able to do much for you.
Page 6:
Panel 1:
Mid-shot; Foreground, center; Doc Terror, his back to us, holds up his hands as if conducting a major symphony, in his right hand is the wicked looking scalpel. Background; The weird machinery dominates the frame, wiring and piping like a wind organ extend upwards from the machine into darkness.
Doc Terror:
However, we are getting ahead of ourselves. We have much to attend to before the moment of climax arrives. You of course recognize my machine, though I have made some modifications to it since last you encountered it. By applying what I have discovered amongst the sciences of pharmacology and psychology to mechanics I have brought my Grand Experiment to its next phase!
Panel 2:
Wide shot; Foreground: Left; full figure of Doc Terror, left hand extended in a displaying motion. Right; An eight foot tall cylinder, wires and piping extend from numerous connectors on the cylinders surface towards the background, a small billowing cloud of gas seeps from its bottom. Background; The 10' high, 15' wide machine is fully visible. It resembles a giant Pipe Organ with numerous dials, buttons and levers covering it. A large Tesla coil is connected to it on the right.
Doc Terror:
Behold! The Organ of Terror! Through the use of carefully composed musical strains working in conjunction with my Gas Chamber, I can evoke in any living being their most terrifying experience, over and over again! Hehehehehe!
Panel 3:
Mid-shot, Tom, facing us, lunges forward struggling against his restraints.
You fiend! I'll put a stop to you before you can hurt another soul! You wont get the chance to use that machine on me or anybody else, ever again!
Panel 4:
Close up; Doc Terror rubbing his hands in diabolical delight (classic cinema villain style).
Doc Terror:
Such bravado! How do you expect to stop me Tom Jefferson? With brave words and fists? Do you think I have not thought through all the contingencies before enacting my Grand Experiment? Do you even have a clue as to the truth of the things you have seen? You are shining proof of the ignorance that human-kind has become!
Panel 5:
Mid-shot; Doc Terror, facing us, stands next to the closed cylinder, gently caressing it. Gas clouds billow upwards from below.
Doc Terror:
Through your bumbling and dumb-luck you have made it this far. It was mere chance that you came upon my operations. Not from any solid deduction. The Daring Detective, Bah?! Your boasts to stop me from using my machine are pointless.
Panel 6:
Full shot; The cylinder, open to the sides, gas billows out and upward. To the left of the cylinder, shrouded in fog and shadows, Doc Terror stands menacingly. Inside the cylinder, Sally Hemmings is strapped to a vertically standing table. She is in her undergarments. Her head tilts slightly to one shoulder. Her face is void of emotion and her eyes are blank.
Doc Terror:
I have been using my Organ of Terror for some time now!
Page 7:
Panel 1:
Mid shot; Tom Jefferson lunging forward against his restraints!
You psychopath! If you've harmed her in any way, I'll...!
Panel 2:
Mid shot; Foreground: Left; Doc Terror examining a vicious looking scalpel, head slightly tilted to the right. Background: Right; Sally Hemmings, restrained and terrified.
Doc Terror:
Come ahead then Mr. Jefferson! Show me how you are going to stop me from doing exactly has I have planned.
Panel 3:
Full shot; Tom standing up. His restraints are limp though still encumbering. The chair on which the restraints were is exploding in splinters! His fist clenched! Tom's visage is one of squinty eyed justice!
And so Tom Jefferson, the Daring Detective does only what any person can do when faced with menacing terror! He stands up to face it!
Panel 4:
Wide shot; Foreground: Left; Doc Terror stumbles backwards, enshrouded in fog, towards his machine. His right hand is thrown up in defense. Center; Tom Jefferson, fists cocked for a punch, bursts through billowing gas clouds towards Doc Terror! Background: Right; Fog billows out of the open cylinder. Sally Hemmings, restrained, looks on in horror!
And rushes forward to combat it!
Panel 5:
Mid shot; Foreground: Center; Doc Terror falling backwards into his machine. Background: The Organ of Terror; sparking and dangling wires.
Doc Terror:
My own hubris is to blame! I should have just killed you and now I will suffer...
Panel 6:
Full shot; Foreground: Center; Doc Terror electrocuted! His arms thrown wide. Electricity surrounds and shreds his cloak and face. Smoke pours from his burning body. Background: Left & Right; dangling, sparking wires descending form top of panel.
Doc Terror:
Page 8:
Panel 1:
Mid shot; Foreground: Center & Left; Tom Jefferson holds a frightened Sally Hemmings in his arms. Both appear visibly shaken from the events that have transpired. Background: Right; The charred remains of Doc Terror and shadow.
You're safe now Sally. That's the last we've seen of that maniac.
Oh Tom! Thank goodness!
Panel 2:
Mid shot: Left; Mary Blake, dressed in an evening robe. Her expression relieved. Right; Tom, in a double breasted suit, holds a glass in his right hand. His expression dour.
Upon informing the station house of the whereabouts of Doc Terror, Tom Jefferson returns to his sister, Mary Blake's apartment with Sally Hemmings.
Thank the stars he didn't have a gun Tom! Heaven knows what you would've done then? I'm glad that's the end of it though. You do scare me so with your antics.
It's not over quite yet sis. Though the man is dead, his "plan", whatever that may have been, might still come off. I've got to put the pieces together, and fast!
Panel 3:
Mid shot; Tom sits at his desk, hat cocked back, coat off, rummaging through files of papers. His desk is stacked with and surrounded by files.
Back at the station house, Tom carefully reviews some of his old cases.
There's gotta be a connection here I'm just not seeing.
Panel 4:
Full shot; Foreground: Center; Tom, in coat and hat, pounds his right hand into his left palm. His eyes squinty revelation. Background: The shadowy city docks. Shimmering water beyond.
Even visiting a former 'scene of the crime' to try and gain a fresh perspective. Until...
That's it! I've figured it out! I've got to get back to headquarters and tell the Lieutenant!
Panel 5:
Mid shot; Left; Tom, standing, leant forward, coat off, hat cocked, shirt sleeves up, knuckles on desk. Center; Lt. Rick Reynolds desk, stacks of paper and office paraphernalia. Right; Lt. Rick Reynolds, sitting, leant forward, puffing a cigar. Both look attentive to the other.
His plan had been to contaminate the water with that powder he developed from his gas and then through hypnotic music, terrorize the entire populace of this city, perhaps the nation!
Rick: What kind of sick mind would even contemplate such a horrifying concept?
Panel 6:
Close up; The shining, squinty eyed grin of Tom Jefferson.
What really matters is that we've put an end to his mad scheme. I can't imagine the kind of world this would be if everyone lived in fear of such terrorists?
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